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Sherman Wealth Management, LLC


Financial Planning Services

About Us

Life is complicated; Your Finances don't have to be. We're helping young couples and entrepreneurs simplify their financial life.

As a fee-only, Fiduciary financial advisor and President of Sherman Wealth, I provide each of my clients with a full range of holistic, customized financial planning services and wealth management tools that are transparent, realistic, and tailored to each client’s unique vision for their own future and short and long-term financial goals. I advocate exclusively for my clients - whether they are millennials who are just getting started building their financial futures; young professionals growing their lives and their wealth; or successful professionals preparing for retirement, changing careers or marital status, or planning their legacy or estate - providing fee-only guidance to make sure their money is working for them, not for broker commissions or brokerage house shareholders.

Sherman Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor. Please see our website for full disclosures:


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Rep/Contact Info

Kristin Erdheim
Office Manager
Ashley Perlmutter
Financial Advisor

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