What’s Your Plan??

Jonathan Schweinefuss, owner of Stories of a Lifetime. He creates lasting video autobiographies
Sponsored by Assisting Hands Home Care
Monthly on Friday Noon on ZOOM Link will be sent when participants RSVP to pdubroof@assistinghands.com
Date and Time
Friday Dec 8, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
December 8 at 12 pm
This and all future events sponsored by Assisting Hands Home Care, Potomac will be held virtually via Zoom until further notice. Please register for this event by going to our website and signing up directly through our events page, located near the bottom left of our home page. (www.assistinghandspotomac.com ) A link will be sent to each participant on the morning of the event.
This is free to everyone
Contact Information
Patricia Dubroof, Director of Community Relations
Send Email